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6 Suppressors of Love

Written By Ike Ani on Saturday, 14 February 2015 | 4:52 am

Love on its own is a life. it rules its own world by controlling positive actions,words and thoughts in whosoever believes in it. but then, there are certain factors that actually contend or rather suppress love to extinct in people's heart. those factors are 'killers of love'. this article will elaborate on these factors.

1. Selfishness:
  Selfishness is a lifestyle which does not give room for love for others except for oneself which is adulterated and never real. it actually blindfolds you from seeing the need of others but opens your eyes to things that will be of benefit to only you irrespective of whether others are affected negatively by it or not.

This factor keeps love in a cage and watch it cry by operating against the ideal concepts of love. those who are captives under selfishness ends up betraying others. selfishness is never a facilitator of love.

2. Gossip:
  The act of gossip brings resentment into action and hence kicks love into a bucket filled with water. it makes you to judge other people and with this act, you would find it hard to show kindness to whosoever you gossip about.

Gossip is an assassination carried out on love in disguise. it usually sounds as if it is nothing that important but its negative impact goes a long way. read more about it here 

3. Hatred:
  Hatred creeps in sometimes as a result of betrayal,jealousy,anger and lots more. it usually holds unto a reason why love for a particular person should not be in existence.

Hatred usually deceives the heart to claim right when actually its wrong for it not to have shown love. giving room for anger is like handing over a king to his enemy.

4. I Don't Care Attitude:
  This factor is more or less like selfishness but they're slightly different. this one has to do with having a  knowledge of the necessity of love but not putting it into consideration at all.

This will gradually suppress the value one attaches to love until it is no more in existence in the heart because a knowledge you have but care less about usually fades away gradually.

5. Environmental Tradition:
  Sometimes, the way of life of the location where you're could affect your love life. like in a setting where a specific gender is treated inferior with no respect, there can't be love for that gender by the other cause it has become a custom and tradition not to show them any form of respect or love.

This factor could suppress love in the hearts of those involved for so many years which could be handed down to generations to come as traditions. it is necessary to break free from this.

6. Preferential Caring:
  This is when you begin to care less about some persons you should have cared for and then you map out those you feel are the best for you to love and care for because you benefit something somehow from them in return. this is a very swift unnoticed oppressor of love because even you who started it is automatically in the bondage of it.

Whosoever is involved in it becomes partial in almost everything he/she does because the attitude of segmenting a portion of people to love to suit oneself is already there. love is for all not just for a specific group.

Love is a good great thing that has made it possible for human co-existence on the surface of the earth. it is very necessary that mankind should daily embrace it and make a great positive impact  with it. love is a life and has enemies as i have mentioned  in this article above. watch out for those killers of love in order to keep your love life intact.

   "Never Stop Loving"


About Ike Ani


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