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5 Effects Of Transferred Aggression

Written By Ike Ani on Sunday, 15 February 2015 | 10:00 am

Transferred aggression is a situation where you impose your anger on those around you instead of the source of it. showing attitudes that are not right for no reason known to them. this singular act sometimes occurs once in a while but its damages could last for many years. this article centers on the thereafter effects of this dangerous attitude.

1. Stirs Up Unnecessary Anger:
  At any moment you pour out your aggression on innocent people around you who know nothing about what made you unhappy, they may become angry at the attitude you showed. don't forget that anger gives rise to lots of wrong thoughts, words and actions.

Avoid this attitude as it endangers both you and your beloved ones into the grasp of what anger can manipulate.

2. Turns Friends into Enemies:
  This attitude of transferred aggression pushes friends most times to the wall and for those of them who has no tolerance for it could actually become your enemy as they'll begin to resent you both secretly and physically.

This attitude is nothing but a relationship terminator. beware of its effects by being conscious of it.

3. Damages Personality:
  It usually leaves a huge stamp that is irritating on your personality. people will begin to avoid having anything serious to do with you. they may chat and laugh with you but would never love to be intimate with you on any matter.

It turns you into a masquerade that scares everyone away because you'll be no different from a raging lion.

4. It Gives Room For Hatred:
  Since it stirs up anger, the anger will as well give rise little by little to hatred because when people around you begins to hate that attitude, gradually they'll also begin to hate the source of it which is you. this attitude will only generate enemies for you and can only you co-exist in your environment?

5. Makes You a Nuisance:
  It will make you whine a lot and from there turns you into a nuisance to others. little things at that moment offends you. it will also make your tolerance rate to be 0% and if your tolerance rate becomes 0%, can you really co-exist well with others around you without offending them with that attitude?

This attitude of transferred aggression is actually a psychological war that needs to be won. it is necessary to have in mind constantly the damages it causes in order to be able to be conscious of it else it creeps in and causes havoc to lots of hard earned achievements. would you fight this or let it control your life?

See Also 6 ways to overcome Anger Here


About Ike Ani


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