A wise saying said "a painter paints with his mind not his hands". this saying explains and gives an idea of the power of thoughts which is actually the origin of of the knowledge that brings forth beautiful color combinations. being creative in any form starts from the mind. how the thoughts available connects with your potentials matters a lot in the perspective of creativity.
Nigeria's Dr Philip Emeagwali couldn't have made the world's first fastest computer if he was never creative in thinking. Ifiemi Felagha made a local aircraft using local materials independent of any other person. Mike Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are tagged computer wizards because of their creativity in the ICT world. likewise many others who have invented and innovated lots of things that has helped mankind in one way or the other. their works made them icons because it was helpful to man.
To become creative is a gradual process that needs consistency from a mind of interest. its no big deal if you put your heart to it. many others past and present did great with creativity. this means that creativity is a natural deposit in everybody. all you'll have to do is to activate yours. this article will be explaining some useful tips on how to be creative in life.
1. Always Think Of Something New:
To bring a new idea into being in your location and beyond, you'll have to make it a duty to think positive about new things that could be needed and helpful to both you and others whether psychologically,technologically,educationally etc just try at all times to see things beyond the physical. creativity never comes from the physical but form the mind which is abstract but becomes physical if implemented.
Consider certain things that are available and think of how to make them better. Dr Philip Emeagwali who made the fastest computer actually thought on how to make an already existing computer faster than it is. probably the computer was too slow for his works so the thoughts to innovate came into his mind and he channeled the thought well with his abilities and Alas! he succeeded. you can also do the same if you begin today to think of making new things happen.
2. Be Versatile in Knowledge:
A popular wise saying says "No knowledge is a waste" and another one went further to say "Knowledge is power". all these quotes means that the necessity of knowledge can never be over emphasized in any perspective in life. the knowledge which may not value at the age of 18 may be a life changer for you at the age of 50. knowledge gives room for development.
Nations make education a priority cause it brings in knowledge in large proportion. when you have knowledge about something, you can manipulate it into becoming what you want it to become. Ifiemi Felagha a Nigerian made a local aircraft with some local materials. this means that the young man was versatile in knowledge of mechanical,civil and electrical engineering as well as painting. all these were jammed together by one individual to bring a local aircraft into being. at the beginning it was a thought but it later became a reality because he was versatile in knowledge.
3. Have A Purpose:
There is no room for creativity in the land of aimlessness. have plans for yourself. don't live to pass by in this world but live to make a positive mark that you'll be remember for. you can do this by discovering who you are and taking up a bold step of living a life in line with your purpose. this will help you become creative cause your life will be impacting both to you and others around you.
Purpose gives a fertile ground for the seeds of knowledge to germinate and give rise to fruits of enrichment that will be of benefit to mankind at large. when you give it a try you'll see what you've been missing about your unique self. get some purpose for your life and see how awesome it will turn out to be.
4. Disconnect From Imitation:
In the perspective of creativity, tapping knowledge from other people's works is not bad but becomes bad when you make it a sole foundation for your own works. always waiting for others knowledge before you can do anything kills your potentials and makes you a second class. have a concept of your own. that way, you'll be able to come up with your unique basic foundational blueprint. it will brand you and never in comparison to anyone.
In the ICT world you can never notice any form of imitation between Facebook and Microsoft because the two creators of them are not imitators but creators. this imitation is not just to be avoided in the technological aspect but also in all dimensions of human discipline. everyone has a uniqueness. all that is needed to be done to activate is desisting from trying to be like someone when you can actually be you.
5. Live Your Dreams:
Most people naturally expects their great dreams to come to pass with immediate effect but actually it doesn't work that way at all. even when you dream, it has a beginning. whether it was a thoughtful or real dream, all had a beginning. so you'll need to start living your dream as little as you can. take one step at a time and surely you'll begin to see how creative you can be.
These tips are very important to take note of on your different quests in life. practice them often to see the best of you in your different activities. you're uniquely creative. all you have to do is activate it.
Yea I agree with this tips!!!!