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My Survival Series Pt7: "The Night At The Camerounian Bush"

Written By Ike Ani on Monday, 9 February 2015 | 4:31 am

Immediately the vehicle stopped, we were all asked to step down from it. at first the weather was moderate but as it became more late by time, the cold came with its claws of grasp upon us. we divided ourselves into twos,threes and fours as we shared some wrapper clothing to cover ourselves from the cold which came with too cold breeze.

As we laid out there in the bush of the Camerounian hilly routes, to our surprise we heard some camerounian young men about of two them advertising their biscuits which they sell. since they couldn't speak English, all they could use to communicate was to say "biscuit". chanting it like a song. it made us laugh at least cause through out  the day, nothing was funny at all. we bought few and shared amongst ourselves. as we were discussing , gradually some of us slept off. shockingly, someone just stood up and started running and the sound of his speeding footsteps stimulated others to join him voluntarily from their sleep. there was panic cause we were not sure of what it was. there was confusion. we dispersed at first but returned back to where we were just to hear that the person who caused it actually was having a nightmare. i guess it was the boko haram's invasion that militated the nightmare.

We all calmed down and laid down to get some sleep again. as cars were packed, some persons laid down beneath them. suddenly someone went to one of those cars and was urinating towards the under of it not knowing that someone was beneath. we all then heard a funny exclamation which angrily replied "Hey! who is that. is this water or urine? Haaaaaaa!" the man  beneath felt bad but the manner of his reaction in words made everyone to burst into laughter. God was actually faithful as he was busy bringing laughter to our faces in that cold night at a bush we never dreamed of all our lives.

We were so conscious of time cause we couldn't wait for morning to come to our rescue from the cold out there. as early as 4am we were all up and  ready for the trailer van's fence scaling once more. one of the beautiful thing that happened that morning was a re-union between friends who ran separately  but met that morning. there was joy in the air as they exchanged pleasantries,hugs and handshakes. i didn't know them much but it made me happy cause it was a sign of hope.

TO BE CONTINUED................!!!!!!!

If You Missed My Survival Series Pt6: "The Quest To Leave Cameroun" Click Here


About Ike Ani


  1. What an Exprience! Ewwwww!

  2. Kikikikikikik, I can't stop laughing at the man that pee on another.this water is urine.lmao.

    Can't wait to read the other series

