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8 Ways To Overcome Emotional Depression

Written By Ike Ani on Thursday, 5 February 2015 | 6:11 am

At many instances, most people experience emotional depressions which deprives them of the inner peace of mind they had earlier. the strange painful part of it is that this breakdown brings with it different effects such as crying,fury,isolation,hatred especially when it has to do with betrayal. but for every occurrence that brings a particular problem,there is usually a way out of it. in this article, you'll see eight(8) techniques that can be applied to overcome emotional traumas.

1. Practice Mindfulness:
  Depression will usually make you to always consider the wrongs that has happened which are already a by gone. you'll need to practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment and think of the good things that could come your way. this will help you to think positively. break free from dwelling in the past.

2. Avoid Negative Self Talk:
  Depression often times make people to see the world from a negative perspective. but that's not right. to overcome this emotional trauma, you'll need to avoid speaking negative words like 'love is wicked',love hurts and others. these negative word are never true. they only came out of a depressed mind. to overcome, you'll need to think and speak positively as much as you can.

3. Listen To Helpful Music:
  Music elevates the human spirit and once elevated can gain control over certain emotions. we all have a brand of music we love which makes us feel calm most times. in this moment of emotional trauma you'll need to employ your brand of music to help out. while you listen to it, try to think positive. you must avoid music which encourage viewing the world in a negative way.

4. Understand The Time You're in:
  You'll have to accept the fact that your mental state is not balanced in this moment of depression. this will help your mind to be conscious of the effects of it so that you can quickly snap out of its grip. especially the negative thought that comes with it. never pretend that nothing is wrong when you know you're already depressed.

5. Distract Yourself:
  When depression hits you so hard, you'll need to distract yourself from its temptations by getting busy with something serious and positive. you could take a walk,play or even read a book to help snap out of it. this is to help you avoid over thinking.

6. Relate With Friends:
  This can be very difficult when depressed but its one of the best methods to ease the pain of depression. isolating yourself will only make things worse but when you relate and share ideas with your close friends, you'll gain more happiness and ideas of  how to move away from that state of depression. friends are strength sources in times of weakness.

7. Forgive Others:
  When the depression has to do with hurt caused by a friend,family or maybe a colleague, hatred usually begins to surface. but if you must break free from this depression's bondage, you'll need to forgive whatsoever wrong that was done against you. just let it go.

8. Never Give Up:
  Depression is a fight and you'll need to be the winner else you remain a prisoner in its grasp. at certain stages, it may get so hard but you can win over it and move on if only you don't give up.

No matter how hard it may have been for you all this while to break free, you're still capable and fit to win over this thing. all you have to do is to keep practicing these steps at any moment depression wants to take a hold of you. never let it get the best of you for you're unique and powerful beyond measure.

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