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5 Pitfalls Of Thinking

Written By Ike Ani on Saturday, 31 January 2015 | 7:28 am

      Having a thought about a thing,person or place has been a constant somehow reflex exercise of the brain. it is impossible for us to be humans without thinking. but then along this lane, there are certain errors which makes our thoughts to be ineffective as its results becomes non-impacting on both the thinker and the immediate environment concerned. these errors are called "pitfalls" because they are a setback to the actual fundamentals of human thinking. we'll be considering five(5) common pitfalls.

1. Too Much Assumptions:
  Allowing uncertainties to decide for you or become the controller of your thoughts will likely lead you into a confusion state of being because assumptions are usually not certain. the mistake of too much assumptions sinks down most hard work cause it has no facts of its own.

2. Wrong Definition of Ideas:
   Whenever there is a misunderstanding of an idea, different wrong actions emerge and most times unconsciously. every concept in life has a basic meaning. there is need to constantly have a clue for the actual reason of a thing before having any business with it. even though you thought about it, comprehension is crucial before action. failure to do so usually misleads into a path of errors as every action thereafter will be fruitless.

3. Over Optimism:
  Most persons love to be optimistic in everything. being optimistic is a very good thing but could be dangerous when it doesn't have limits. there are certain occasions where optimism should be at a very low key. knowing when to use it is very important in order to avoid being wrong in your thinking.let your optimism have a balance at an equilibrium. too much of it could bring you down from a mountain top to a miry clay.

4. Emotional Conclusions:
  It's natural to develop and have emotions for a thing or person. it is not wrong. but using emotions as a parameter to draw conclusions will usually affect your thinking. emotions elevates your human state into a realm that still baffles mankind till today. so you see using a once in while occurrence to draw conclusions could be very dangerous as it tampers the will power of your thoughts.

 For example deciding not to talk to anyone at a moment because of you were feeling bad as a result of one thing or the other will deny you the chance to think of the possible happy moments you could have shared while discussing with a friend or two and that chance may never come again. so you see it clouds your view of the possibility of a later moment. if everyone will leave by emotional conclusions, co-existence will be impossible on earth. emotions are never logical because they are not constant in nature but variable.

5. Wrong Correlation of Ideas:
  Having two or more ideas is excellent. but there will be a chaos in the thinking faculty when the combination of ideas are wrong. for example having a thought about what you would do in fifteen minutes and at the same time having a thought of sleeping. you see the two thoughts do not correlate with each other because they are in conflict by interpretation.  it is necessary to employ thoughts that match in order to get good results.

It is very necessary to avoid this pitfalls which are encountered on the path of thoughts. common mistakes in thinking could result in lots of negative actions that may inflict regrets despite the fact that you never knew them. it is never too late to jump over this pitfalls or is it?


About Ike Ani